On-demand Project Management

Finally on-demand project management where you pay for what you need. Most projects don’t require full time project management so why burden your project expenses with a full time PM. Just like your on-demand computing resources in the cloud, you should only pay for what you use.
Internal projects that are outside your core competency.
Projects requiring multiple teams to avoid internal politics.
Surge support when too much is happening at the same time.
PMs with subject matter expertise.
Any organization building products or delivering services or solutions already understands the need for effective, persistent project management. Its easy enough to quote the necessary PMP functions including scope, time, cost, quality, human resource, communication, risk, procurement and stakeholder management; and agile scrum has even changed the PM name to Product Manager. Most projects, however, don’t require a full time project management. Must projects, when effectively managed require 5 – 10 hrs per week on average. MTG provides PMs using our on-demand approach. Think cloud project management or even better serverless project management. in or approach, the required project management touchpoints are professionally manage by our PMs using PMP or Agile Scrum techniques with some hybrids when appropriate. You are charged only for the time it takes for our PMs to perform those touchpoints. Our metrics between 10-25% allocation (5-10 hrs per week) for most projects. When we are done, your throw us out….until you need us again.
Our customers are finding this to be an effective way of managing many types of projects. Many of our customers have full time employees serving as PMs. Their PMs are focused on product development (agile scrum) or solutions delivery for their customers. It is a smart practice for businesses to have staff PMs as this enables organizations to retain subject matter expertise. However sometimes situations exists where it makes more sense for organizations to use external project management services. For example high growth organizations will experience temporary surges in business growth when it makes more sense to use external project management rather than hiring a new employee. Also organizations sometimes have internal technology projects, requiring PMs with skills in managing information technology projects in specific technologies. These IT projects are not typically core competencies nor are they long term. Smart businesses hire one of our on-demand PMs for the project duration at 25% allocation, releasing use after the project completes. Not only do we have the subject matter expertise, but we are also temporary with 1/4 allocation. There are also internal projects requiring multiple teams across an organization. The project manager from one stakeholder team could appear bias causing unnecessary conflict due to territorial and political battles. These battles significantly increases project risks which can be avoided by engaging one of our project mangers who have no political ties or territorial concerns.
These are only a few of the situations and benefits of using contract project management. Many others exists such as networking and partnership development. Call us today to discuss if your situation is best suited for external project management. We would love to help ensure your project is a success.