Transforming Enterprise Architecture from a Document into Value Added Services.

Enterprise Architecture helps an organization maximize benefit from its investments by linking initiatives to mission priorities through a series of interrelated models linking strategy, performance metrics, business activities, information, systems/applications, technology, roles and responsibilities. These models help to eliminate duplication and establish priorities for transition and investment planning. MTG is a multi-year, award winning EA services provider that builds and more importantly uses EA to drive business transformation.
- Help ideas get funding
- Don’t become the EA police
- Eliminate duplication through standardization.
Organizations have been building EA models for years but have failed in using those models to facilitate change and eliminate unnecessary costs.
Working with a federal government agency, MTG created a series of services that utilize EA to facilitate change by helping agency ideas to get and retain their funding. These services were designed to conduct architecture activity before making a funding decision, before beginning a project and then during the project execution and completion stages as well. These services include modernization planning, performance measurement architecting, architect before investment reviews, business process modeling, business case creation, project review and repair.
These services helped to transform the perception of EA as a traffic cop to EA as an enabler for change.